mardi 22 février 2011


All the religions on social studies are beginning to get mixed up in my head. They all want us to not kill animals, to respect our ancestors in some way, to use good language, to end suffering, to find true happiness, to end salvations. blah blah blah. But aren't these all the things we should be doing regularly? respecting people, using good language, not killing, not committing crime. One of the Buddhist says were to "ONLY SPEAK WHEN NECESSARY!!!!!!!!!!" Everyone started laughing when I said that. What's so funny?  OK so maybe I speak a little too much, but Jacob says I EPIC FAIL  at that. ..... :(  BTW according to the news around a month ago, weren't fail and epic banned from the English language? With all the commotion in Egypt. They still have time to make stupid language laws like this. People are still gonna used these words anyway...

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